“I hope someday you will join us.
And the world will be as one.”
- John Lennon
Sukkot Sounds invites you to take the lead to spread joy and love during this ancient festival.
The Sukkot Sounds Story
Sukkot Sounds is a fresh spin on celebrating Sukkot! The Jewish holiday of Sukkot is a week-long harvest festival with outdoor community gatherings, seasonal food, good vibes, and of course – good music.
There was a time in ancient history when Sukkot was the most important holiday. Sukkot is even referred to as “The Holiday”in biblical texts without context - as if we already knew what they were talking about! Throughout the ancient celebration, torches were lit, music was played, people danced, and everyone was invited.
We have created Sukkot Sounds to re-energize, innovate, and modernize what it looks like to participate in this ancient and joyous holiday; it’s a Harvest Festival turned Music Festival!
We hope you will join us, and chag sameach!
The Well Team

At its core, Sukkot is a festival for
gathering and all are welcome.
Sukkot asks us to invite ushpizin,
or the spirits of our ancestors, to
our gathering spaces, in addition
to family, friends, and friends we
haven’t met yet. Sukkot Sounds
aims to embrace diversity across
all backgrounds, welcoming
everyone to celebrate the festival
of Sukkot!

The primary call of Sukkot is to be in nature and celebrate the
seasonal harvest. Sukkot Sounds aims to raise awareness of our relationship with the environment.
We commit to being outside
whenever possible to be present with this season.

A sukkah, like balance, is
temporary and fragile. The festival of Sukkot is designed to help us find our personal and spiritual balance through the invitation to dwell in a fragile hut and build new and deeper relationships. Sukkot Sounds aims to support and create
experiences for guests to be in
community safely and build
foundational relationships for the new year.

Music calls us to come together
and unite around a common
sound. The festival of Sukkot
celebrates the seasonal harvest,
abundance, community, and joy!
Sukkot Sounds aims to design
spaces of belonging and learning and lower the barrier to entry for participating in the Sukkot festival through musical experiences.